23 January 2025

Conditions for publishing

1. The results should be in line with the subject of the journal and its goals and policies.

2. The word-count should be no less than 4000 words, and no more than 10 000 words.

3. The paper should not have been published anywhere else, nor submitted anywhere else for publishing.

4. Completing the form of intellectual property when submitting the paper for publishing.

5. The submitter of the paper will be informed of it being received within ten days of submission.

6. The author/s of the paper will be informed of whether the paper has been accepted or rejected within no more than twenty days from submission.

7. The author/s must not send their paper to any other publication until they receive a reply from the Journal.

8. The author/s must comply with the editing suggested by the reviewers, according to the report sent to them, and resubmit a new draft within no longer than five days.

9. It is necessary to send a brief resume when submitting the paper for publishing.

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