M: post_en
23 February 2025
Who we are

Who we are

Al-Daleel Institution for Doctrinal Studies and Research, associated to the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine, is an educational investigative institution concerned with the investigation of Islamic doctrinal thought, represented by the Ahlul Bayt’s school of thought.

Those in charge of the Institution believe that this kind of thought is the true thought in line with reality and in harmony with human nature that humanity should adopt and take as a starting point towards all aspects of knowledge, intellect, ethics and human behavior. They also believe in the ability of this kind of thought to stand in the face of all challenges, and to develop the reality of individuals and society, in order to get to the sought human perfection.

The Institution makes hard efforts to investigate this kind of thought and publish it, besides preparing well-qualified personnel capable of undertaking, defending, establishing and propagating it in the scientific and intellectual circles throughout various human societies.

The Institution consists of four divisions: Research Division, Education Division, Public Relations and Information Division and the Administrative Division. Each division has a number of subdivisions.

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    Visitors’ comments

    أحمد نصيف
    2020 October 07
    جهود تدعو للفخر والعزَّة.. أسأل الله العظيم أن يأخذ بأيديكم لنصرة الدِّين الحقّ؛ دين أهل البيت (عليهم السلام) المنزَّه عن الشوائب الكفريَّة، بجاه الحسين (الدليل) الوجيه، وجدّه وأبيه، وأمّه وأخيه، والتّسعة المعصومين بنيه، صلوات الله عليهم أجمعين.
    ALi aldika
    2019 July 10
    تحية الاسلام والسلام بارك الله مؤسستكم وجهودكم لنشر تعاليم الاسلام الاصيل ، وعقائده الحقة ، في زمان لا يوفر فيه اعداء الدين فرصة ولا ساحة لتشويه الدين الحق وأصله وأصوله . والله الموفق
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