23 February 2025

The Divine Act in Nature According to the Quantum Theory

2021-06-20 04:28

Kamal Mas’oud Thabeeh


Quantum explanation of the divine act is one of the many explanations that have been put forward through recent decades to explain special divine actions in nature, such as miracles. Although the divine act, according to this explanation, does not result in the violation of natural laws, but it makes the external world subject to its influence. So, this explanation has come to be among other explanations after being confirmed by many and in different ways, the most famous and popular one of which is John Robert Russell’s. This article tries to give a brief introduction to quantum mechanics and the explanation suggested by the Copenhagen School for this mechanics. In addition, the article analyzes John Robert Russell's report on the quantum explanation of divine action, showing the most important objections to it, including its connection to a special explanation of quantum mechanics, and the fact that this claim is not evidenced and it just makes the problem more complicated. Although this explanation may give answers to some of the problems, it is not possible to accept them in their present form; because the direct influence of God on nature is not possible according to the famous foundations in Islamic philosophy.

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