23 February 2025

The Truth of Life after Death between Science and Religion

2021-12-22 09:19

Mohammad abdul-Lateef


The matter of life after death is one of the important matters that have preoccupied man’s mind since ancient times. Every person feels within himself how eager he is to know the world after death, and what shall happen to him then. All religions have argued that man should survive after death, except that they differed in the way of his survival. Some think that man remains purely physical; for they believe that the reality of man is based on body only, whereas some others believe that man only remain spiritually; for they see the corruption of human body after death and see the impossibility of reconstructing that structure as it has been before death. Others have argued that both soul and body remain together in the world after death, meaning that the Resurrection is both physical and spiritual at the same time. But as for empiricists, they sometimes infer from near death experiment that there is life after. Near death experiment is temporary death experienced by some people who moved to the world after death, and upon their return to this world, they talked about the facts and events they met there. However, some philosophers have made use of rational arguments to prove the existence of the world after death.

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