23 February 2025

Human Cloning and the Problem of Creation in Religious Thought

2022-03-17 05:40

Khalid Younus al-No’mani

 One of the new issues appeared in the arena of both religious thought and scientific thought is the issue of human cloning, which is considered as one of the most important medical scientific achievements in the last century. At a later period, there was another scientific achievement in the field of stem cells, where many questions were raised at the intellectual level in this field, such as the legality of benefiting from this modern technology, in addition to some doctrinal problems related to creatorism, besides many other questions raised by scholars about the scientific religious approach established by Islamic scholars to answer these questions on such new topics. Some scholars have offered answers to these doctrinal problems objectively and clearly. They concluded that this scientific development does not contradict religious theological view about Creation and the Creator, and does not raise a problem from the legal (religious) point of view as well. We have decided to study the truth of this topic scientifically, showing the position of religion scholars about it, and proving that religion does not oppose scientific development, especially the matt human cloning; because it does not contradict the limitation of creation without a previous substance to God Almighty.

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