23 February 2025

Pleasure in the theory of anthropomorphism.. A critical study in the light of religious view

2023-04-06 13:38

Munir Mustafa

The materialistic schools of thought, especially humanism, talk about man’s rights and freedoms, and honor him in order to take him to the highest human rights. The purpose behind that is to consider man as the center and core of the world instead of the centrality of God Almighty. As for pleasure, it means that pleasure is good in itself and required for itself, and that it is the essential element for every perfection and happiness; because it is the only criterion for moral actions. This means that pleasure is the efficient cause and final cause of every moral act. Monotheistic religions, especially Islam, talk about man’s dignity, honor, and highest status, but however, they do not believe that man is the center and core of the world before Almighty God, nor do they believe in the essentiality of pleasure as the only criterion for moral action. After the comparison between these two approaches on the basis of the divine worldview, it becomes clear that the centrality of man before God does not have any fixed foundations that may support it, and that pleasure -especially material pleasures- cannot be the only criterion for moral action. The actual axis in the system of the universe and creation is God Almighty; therefore, God is also the core of legislation and of human and moral values. This is why these values have come in the Holy Qur’an on the basis of the Divine Wisdom.

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