23 February 2025

Man's need for divine religion in the practical viewpoint (ideology)

2023-10-01 11:28

Falah sabti


Recognizing man's need for divine religion in all aspects of life is one of the necessary things for any human being who seeks perfection, especially in our present age, where religion has been excluded from life by some intellectual trends and political systems that have made an unreal picture of religion, describing religiousness as backwardness, blind imitation and being far from rationality.  
 One of the important and influential cognitive dimensions in determining man’s behavior is his practical viewpoint that reflects what should be done and what should not be done in his behavior and choices. This viewpoint, which is known as ideology in modern terminology, constitutes a starting point for man in determining his choices when it comes to behavior and work, and it is fit to be a justification for the nature of behavior that everyone adopts in his life. Therefore, it is necessary to know how it is formed and the factors affecting its conformity to the nature of man, in order to reach true perfection. Hence, we have tried in this article, through the descriptive analytical approach, to show the need of man for religion in order to establish his practical viewpoint, by showing the role of religion in the three factors that lead to the practical perfection of man. These three factors are theoretical factor, applied factor and disciplinary factor.

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