07 January 2025

Social Media; Cyber Identity and Religious Identity

2024-04-02 07:30

Sayyid Ruhollah Mousawi


The issue of religious identity, which is one of the aspects of cultural identity, is one of the most important and contentious issues for humans, given the meaning it imparts to human life. Although identity is a general topic with general principles that are discussed regardless of the phenomenon of social media networks, in this study, using a critical philosophical approach, we will focus on addressing these principles and discussions in the context of social media platforms, especially in the world connected to this modern phenomenon. We will also illustrate how they are related to the phenomenon of religion and religiousness. We have discussed and critiqued some thinkers› views on cyber identity or identity influenced by these networks, and we have attempted to apply them to the subject of religious identity. One of the conclusions we have reached through the discussions presented is that social media networks, in their current form and structure, are imbued with non-religious perspectives, Western lifestyle patterns, and non-religious ideologies. All these factors result in the weakening of religious identity, despite the fact that humans are in dire need of religious identity, especially in the modern age. Finally, we have provided some recommendations to prevent falling into these problems and crises.

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سجل بريدك الإلكتروني لتتلقى أهم أخبار المؤسسة وإصداراتها

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