22 January 2025

Materialism and the Results of Epistemic Conflictions Between Liberalism and Marxism

2024-06-22 08:42

Adnan Hashem Al-Husseini


This study researches two primary materialist trends, Liberalism and Marxism, as far as their formulation, their influence in the realm of thought and epistemology, and the struggle between them in order to take lead in materialism. Liberalism is a product of secularism, which created the pillars of liberalist thought when it included the human into what is called Humanism, which focuses on the human and makes the human being the center and master of the universe without any equal. For them, the universe ultimately serves the human. Opposite to this was the forming of Marxism, which made the society submit to dialectical production and the relations of production under material dialectics and the history of social evolution, which resulted in Communism. The paper concludes that these two methods are incompetent, due to the epistemic inconsistency between them in solving human problems. It was required for the nature of this research to rely on the descriptive-analytical methodology.

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