23 February 2025

Political Ideology According to the Divine and Material Worldview

2024-06-22 08:45

Haydar Husaini


This paper discusses political ideology according to two worldviews: the divine and the material. The importance of this study stems from two aspects. First: the importance of a worldview and its fundamental effect in the ideological system a person has in all his theoretical and scientific dimensions. Second: the major importance political ideology has, which is the ideology that influences the formulation of theories and political stances. It is clear that politics holds a central importance in a human’s life, throughout history, because a human is social in nature, so he cannot be without political order and laws in its general sense. This study has more importance in the time we are in now, where we see a clear increase in the influence of politics and political ideology in every aspect of our lives. This research aims at conducting a comparative study between two fundamental types of worldviews, and they are the divine worldview, and the material worldview, and it argues that each of these two worldviews lead to a political worldview that is different theoretically, in its foundations and theories, and also different in practice, as far as its methods, means and practical results, in what each worldview leads to.
The methodology used in this paper is a comparative study methodology, comparing between the divine worldview and the material worldview.

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