23 February 2025

2020-04-26 09:34

Reza Berenjkar - Mahdi Nusratiyan Ahour

The question of first doctrinal necessity is one of the most controversial issues in theology. The books of theology have discussed it and raised the question about it among all other doctrinal obligations. This matter has turned into a controversial topic, taking a very scope that every scholar has come to offer his own vision about the first doctrinal necessity.

From the most important theories in this study are: doubt, intent and will, consideration and reasoning, and the knowing of Allah. So if it is meant by first doctrinal necessity the first according to the original meaning, then it must be said that one of its evidences is the knowing of Allah. But if first is meant to be the first in any case, then it is meant to be the first doctrinal necessity. Thus, if we believe in innate and heartfelt knowing of Allah, then the belief in Allah and having faith in Him will be the first necessity.

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