23 February 2025

A Critical Look at the Historical Institutions of Religious Text: Stability of the Concept Claim and Change of Credentials as a Model

2020-09-13 09:07

Mohamed Abdellatif Hammouda

The argument of historicalism is one of the important researches produced by the theories put forward by modernity and postmodern thought in Western minds, as it is concerned, in part, with the study of texts in their historical environment, far from relevance and stability, and it is based on a set of foundations that constitute the intellectual basis for it. This saying was entered into the Islamic minds by some modernists, which raised many suspicions about religious texts and their usefulness. One of the theories presented in this context is the theory of unity of concept and plurality of validation, which holds that the holy Qur’an and texts contain various and varied concepts, looking at their external validations, and that change and transformation are not limited to concepts, but rather in the ratifications by priority. This is because when he is committed to accepting concepts of change according to the requirements of time and place, then he must commit himself to confirm that in the ratifications as well. This theory faces a lot of serious criticism at the level of the epistemological, existential, anthropological and linguistic structures on which it was based, which I aimed to demonstrate in this article by relying on a descriptive, analytical and critical approach.

Key words: historical, history, constancy of concept, plurality of authenticity, religious text.

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