14 March 2025

Solving the Problem of Evil According to the Theory of Moral Perceptions

2021-06-20 04:34

Nasreen Shakir Hakeem


The issue of evil is one of the serious arguments cited by the atheist movement to prove the non-existence of God. Philosophers and theologians have tried to give an answer to this question throughout the ages. Western philosophy used to adopt apologetic and theodistic answer that proved divine justice, whereas Islamic philosophy had its own way between proving and denying the existence of evil through evidences and arguments. Moral Perceptions Theory is one of the important theories that did not discuss the existence or non-existence of evil, but rather, the theory discussed the origin of evil and showed its reality and nature. Although the theory proves the morality of a number of concepts, these concepts have many implications in reality. As this theory paves the way for a new perspective and a new answer to the question of evil and its existence in the world, the moral existence of evil does not contradict the logical question of evil or the divine existence. The article discusses the problem of evil through showing it in Western and Islamic philosophy, and then discusses the theory of moral perceptions, defining its origins, pillars and mechanism. Then, through the descriptive, analytical approach, the article explans of how to give an answer to the problem of evil through the theory of moral perceptions.

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