22 January 2025

The language of God or the illusion of God

2021-09-18 04:02

Fakhruddin Tabatabaei


This study tries to compare between two thoughts of two followers of Darwinism in the field of evolutionary genetics. The first one is Richard Dawkins, who attempted, by making use of the theory of evolution and genetics, to make his readers to deny the existence of God and be atheists. The other one is Francis Collins, who tried his best, by making use of those sciences, to defend the faith in God and monotheistic evolutionary doctrine. It is worth to mention that both of these two personalities are Neo-Darwinists, and both of them underwent atheism, but with the difference that the first one has become the most famous atheist in the world and the biggest authority to whom it is referred in this matter, whereas the second one has abandoned atheism to become one of the hard defenders of the faith in God.By comparing the views of these two scientists, we will get to two conclusions: the first is that the theory of evolution is neither atheistic nor theistic in itself. The second conclusion is the possibility of combining Darwin’s evolution with creationism and getting to the monotheistic evolution theory, as done by some scholars like Collins.

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