23 February 2025

Mutual Interests between Science and Religion

2022-03-17 06:03

Mustafa Azizi

The relationship between science and religion is one of the important topics in the philosophy of religion. There are four theories on the explanation of this relationship: the theory of “contradiction between science and religion,” the theory of “the differentiation of science and religion,” the theory of “the intersection of science and religion,” and the theory of “the marriage of science and religion.” In this article, we shed light on the theory of the marriage of science and religion, and see that the relationship between them is a coordinate, complementary relationship. There is no doubt of the many intersections of science and religion; science has discovered the secrets of nature in the light of the development of natural and experimental sciences, revealing new dimensions of the scientific miracles of the definitive Religious Text. The development of modern natural sciences explains to us some of the wisdom hidden behind some of worship rituals. And among the services of religion to science is that Religion invites for contemplating and thinking thoroughly about cosmic facts, stimulating minds, and encouraging people to search and study the secrets of all things in the world of nature, and moreover, to offer secrets of natural sciences and open new horizons of knowledge for scientists and scholars that have not been preceded by any human science.The method followed in this article is the analytical rational method.

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