22 January 2025

The concept of freedom between the liberal approach and the Islamic approach

2022-06-22 07:03

Ahmed al-Asadi

The concept of freedom is one of the cognitive concepts that have many connotations and concepts which differ from one view to another. It is not one of the concepts where its scientific and intellectual implications have been agreed on, even if they are compatible in the results. Every thinker looks at the concept of freedom from his own perspective, and the reason behind the difference of the concept of freedom is that which made thinkers differ in giving a comprehensive and specific definition about the concept, besides the circumstances surrounding each individual, which affect each one of them positively or negatively. According to these reasons, there are many definitions of freedom. Therefore, we find them trying to found a system according to a certain method that may attain justice and equality in rights and duties. From among these liberal approaches, which see that man has the right to do whatever he likes, there are some that calls for absolute freedom with an individualistic tendency. However, this liberal approach does not give the right view of human freedom, and it cannot be successful at the actual practically and ideologically application. If it is compared with the Islamic view of freedom, we clearly see its failure. The Islamic approach has established perfect foundations for man’s dignity, advancement and the preservation of all his rights towards himself and towards others. Islam has given a full and perfect system to save man from all restrictions that may prevent him from exercising his freedom.

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