14 March 2025

Secular Trends in Islamic Society and Their Stance on Religion:A Critical Analytical Study

2024-09-16 07:37

Dr. Abdul-Aziz Al-Sawafi


This paper addresses different trends of secularism within Islamic societies and articulates their perspectives on religion, including the justifications and arguments they advance for the necessity of excluding religion from the organization and governance of society and the state, along with an analysis and critique of these positions. The study aims to examine the nature of the role secularism plays in drawing people near or away from religion in Islamic societies. The nature of the research required a descriptive inductive approach to identify various forms or levels of secularism in these societies and employs a critical analytical method to examine and challenge these levels, as well as the justifications they offer for their stance on religion. As it relied on an inferential approach to describe and analyze the secular phenomenon, to infer the necessary insights for comprehending its effects, causes, and manifestations. Some core conclusions have been reached, the most important of which is that there are multiple types and levels of secularism in Islamic countries, but they all share one central idea: the exclusion of religion from social, political, and economic matters. The study further concludes that separating the need for religion in personal and individual matters, from its relevance in social, political, and economic affairs, has no rational basis, as the rational judgment here is endorsed by scriptural evidence. The fundamental reason for the failure of secular experiments in contemporary Islamic societies is that external solutions do not resolve internal crises and are incompatible with the cultural fabric of society.

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