23 February 2025

Sociology of Knowledge ... Classification and Criticism

2020-06-25 05:48

Aqeel Al-Bandar


There is an attempt made by sociology of knowledge aiming at rejecting social dimensions on the subject of knowledge, trying to offer a field-reading, stemming from accumulated human skills and experiences. Sociology of knowledge stresses that knowledge cannot be shaped without sociological data and social foundations.
Many propositions have paved the way for the appearance of the sociology of knowledge and without naming it. In fact, these propositions have worked on an idea showing the effect of external reality on knowledge and awareness, without focusing only on mental data and rational priorities.

Our task in this article is to historicize the sociology of knowledge, trying to review the periods of its development, and explore its areas and the level of its relation with epistemology by classifying the most important theories in a set of patterns and contexts, in order to define the level of that relation. In conclusion, we discuss some of the most important criticisms directed to sociology of knowledge.

Keywords: sociology, epistemology, the relation of knowledge with society, collective consciousness, collective mind, relativity.

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