23 February 2025

Epistemic Approaches and the Formation of the World View

2020-09-13 08:17

Iman Al-Mousawi


This article discusses the epistemic methods on which a person relies in extracting his various knowledge, which are the rational, experimental, textual, and customary method. It has been shown that only the rational approach – which makes the rational force a ruler and directs to benefit from all other epistemic approaches, each according to its scope – is what constitutes the view. The correct and comprehensive approach to the human being, although the rest of the curricula produces a variety of knowledge, yet they cannot constitute a correct and complete world view. This is because the rational approach relies on elementary intuitions to arrive at the theory with a certain conclusion. Also, because it is based on a structure and form that is productive in inference. Although this approach is the most difficult way, it is the safest way to reach the truth, and by relying on it, a person can access knowledge of metaphysical matters, this approach is not for specific people, rather, all of humanity can benefit from this approach to obtain a realistic and comprehensive world view.

Key words: epistemic methods, world view, mental approach, experimental method, textual approach.

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