23 February 2025

The Validity of Speculative Knowledge from the viewpoint of reason and religious text

2020-12-19 07:46

Yasir Qutaysh


This paper discusses one of the issues of the conflict between reason and revealed scripture (‘aql / naql) which aims at solving the conflict between rational speculation and scriptural speculation. Some solutions are offered in solving this problem –assuming there is a problem– based on the foundations of the extreme rational and transmittable trends and their views. The compass of solution is directed towards the moderate trend that is unbiased and impartial neither towards reason nor towards scripture. In order to establish this direction, there was a need to discuss the scope of the validity of speculation and its value in itself, making reference to its epistemic value and validity. In the value of speculation and its validity through the other attempts were also made in distinguishing between the form of the accessing of knowledge and scientific information and its closure, as this is involved in the validity and value of speculation.

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